Skeet's Pantry 
Serving our Community for Over 40 Years
Please select the Skeet's Pantry fund.
November Distribution
Thanksgiving Baskets will be distributed on Sunday, November 24
Third Sunday of each month*
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
No prior registration is needed
The First Presbyterian Church
22 South Main Street
Cranbury, NJ 08512
Skeet’s Pantry is available to all
residents in Cranbury and our
surrounding communities in both
Middlesex and Mercer Counties.
- Come to the next Skeet’s Pantry food distribution day at Fellowship Hall.
We’re located at The First Presbyterian Church, 22 South Main Street, Cranbury. Call the church office at 609-395-0897 to make alternate arrangements. - Provide your full name and phone number. This information is kept private and only used to inform recipients of pantry schedule changes.
- Receive bags of food, including non-perishable staples, frozen items and fresh fruits and vegetables.
*In November, Skeet’s Pantry is replaced by the distribution of Thanksgiving “baskets” by our Deacons, and in December, Skeet’s Pantry’s food distribution is sometimes moved to an earlier Sunday.
If you have a food emergency between our food pantry distribution dates, please come to the church office Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. We will help you with a few bags of basic staples. Please keep in mind that this is for emergencies only.
Skeet’s Pantry is an ongoing mission of The First Presbyterian Church of Cranbury, serving a multitude of families each month, encompassing people of all ages.
We depend upon a team of both church and community members to:
- Assist with food pickup and deliveries
- Pack bags in preparation for distribution
- Work between monthly pantries to keep our shelves neatly stocked
If you would like to volunteer to help at Skeet’s Pantry, please call the church office at 609 395-0897. You do not have to be a church member. Please spread the word!
If you would like to donate food to Skeet’s Pantry, place it in the red bucket on the front porch of Fellowship Hall.
Most helpful non-perishable foods include staples such as:
- Peanut Butter & Jelly
- Tuna Fish
- Canned Soup
- Cereal
- Canned Fruit
- Pasta & Sauce
- Canned Vegetables
- Cake Mix
No expired food can be accepted.
Skeet’s Pantry is supported by donations from our church congregation, the surrounding community, and multiple corporate sponsors.
Monetary contributions allow us to purchase additional foods and basic items needed by families that we serve.
Financial support is given by several local donors, Cranbury businesses, and ShopRite Supermarkets. We also partner with Mercer Street Friends and Replenish of Middlesex County.
If you’d like to make a donation, checks can be sent and made out to:
The First Presbyterian Church
22 South Main Street,
Cranbury NJ 08512
Please write Skeet’s Pantry in the memo line.
Please join our Corporate sponsors in support of Skeet’s Pantry by participating in our monthly donation drive.
If each organization is able to donate enough for one month of the year, it will allow us to continue our mission and purchase the additional foods and basic items needed for the communities we serve.
You are also welcome to “adopt” Skeet’s Pantry by providing volunteers for a monthly set up and/or distribution day, or start a food collection at your place of business.
Our Corporate sponsors will be promoted via photos on social media, and in our Church newsletter and signage on the day of their sponsorship.
Wanyatta “Skeet” Trowbridge, founded Skeet’s Pantry in the 1980’s.
The passion and love for helping those in need remained with Skeet all her life, and is kept alive by all the volunteers who continue to make Skeet’s Pantry an ongoing mission of the First Presbyterian Church of Cranbury, serving many families each month and still growing!
Our “guests” receive basic staples as well as fresh vegetables, fruits and breads.
“Lord, you gave me a mission, Feed the hungry, Feed the poor… (no) Judgments on others, Just let me feed… My friends and Brothers.”
— Wanyatta Trowbridge
Distribucion en noveimbre
Distribuiremos domingo el 24 de noviembre
El tercer domingo de cada mez
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
No se necessita registrar antes
The First Presbyterian Church
22 South Main Street
Cranbury, NJ 08512
Todos los residentes de los condados de Middlesex y Mercer puede utilizar Skeet's Pantry.
Si se necessita aliemientos:
- Venga a la proxima distribucion de Skeet's Pantry en el Fellowship Hall de la iglesia.
- Skeets Pantry esta aldentro La Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana de Cranbury, 22 South Main
- Si no puede venir a la distribucion, llame la oficina de la iglesa a este numero 609-395-0897 para coordinar planes alternativos.
- Provea su nombre y apellidos y su numero de movil. Esta informacion manteneran privada y usa solamente para compartir de los cambios del horario.
- Receiba las bolsas de alimientos, incluye alimentos no perecederos, alimiento congelado, y frutas y verduras frescas
NOTA: En noviembre, hay una distribucion de las canastas de la Dia de Accion de Gracias en lugar de la distribucion normal. En deciembre, aveces la distribucion se cambia a un Domingo anterior.
Si tiene una emergencia de alimientos entre de las fechas de distribucion, por favor, venga a la oficina de la iglesa. La oficina esta abierta de lunes a viernes a las nueve a las tres. Podemos ayudarse con algunas bolsas de alimientos basicos. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que esto es solo para emergencias.
Skeets Pantry es una mision de La Primera Iglesa Presbiteriana de Cranbury que sirve un multitud de families cada mes abarcando a personas de todas las edades.
Dependemos de un equipo de miebros de la iglesia de la communidad para:
- ayudar con las recogidas de alimientos y las entregas
- empacar las bolsas para pepararse para las distribuciones
- trabaja entre las distribuciones para mantener nuestros estantes abastecidos bien
Si quiere trabajar como voluntario con Skeet's, por favor, llama la oficina de la iglesa a este numero 609-395-0897. No se necessita ser miembro de la iglesia para trabajar como voluntario. ¡Por favor, corre la voz!
Si quiere donar alimientos a Skeet's Pantry, por favor pongalos en el cubo rojo que esta en porche delanto de Fellowship Hall.
Las mejores donaciones son alimientos no perecederos como:
- Mantequilla de Mani y Mermelada
- Atun
- Sopa enlatada
- Cereal
- Fruta enlatadas
- Verduras enladas
- Pasta & Salsa
- Mezcla para pastel
No podemos acceptar los alimientos cauducados
Las donaciones de la iglesa, la comunidad, y varios patrocinadores corporativos apoyan Skeet's Pantry
Contribuciones monetarias nos permiten comprar mas alimientos y articulos basicos que las familias que servimos necessitan
Donantes locales, empresas de Crabury, y ShopRite dan apoyo financiero. Tambien, nos asociamos con Mercer Street Friends y Replenish del condado de Middlesex
Si quiere hacer una donacion, puede extender los cheques a la iglesia y enviarlos aqui:
The First Presbyterian Church
22 South Main Street,
Cranbury NJ 08512
Por favor, escriba "Skeet's Pantry" en la linea memo
Unase nuestros patrocinadores corporativos de Skeet's Pantry y participe en nuestra campaña mensual de donaciones.
Si cada organizacion puede donar lo suficiente por un mes del año, nos permite continuar nuestro mission y comprar alimientos adicionales y articulos basicos que necessitan las comunidades servimos.
Tambien, puede "adoptar" Skeet's Pantry proveyando voluntarios por un dia de montar o distribucion, o se puede una recogida de comida en su lugar de trabajo.
Nuestros patrocinadores corporativos sera publicado en nuestras redes sociales y en nuestra boletín informativo y en carteles durante el dia de su patrocinio.
Wanyatta "Skeet" Trowbridge, fundo Skeet's Pantry en la década de 1980
La pasion y el amor por ayudar a los necesitados permanecio con Skeet toda su vida, y su dedicacion es mantenido vivo por todos los voluntarios quien continuan esta mission permanente de la Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana de Cranbury. Servimos a muchas families cada mes y todavia sigue crecer la mision.
Nuestros clientes reciben alimientos basicos y verduras y frutas frescas y pan.
“Senor, me dio una mision. Alimenta los hambrientos, los pobres. Con no juicio a otros. Solo déjame alimentar a mis amigos y hermanos.”
-Wanyatta Trowbridge
Someone from Skeet’s Pantry will call you and work out a plan to give you more groceries – either by giving them to someone who can come pick them up at the church for you, or possibly delivering to you by one of our volunteers if you live near the church
Also, watch our church website ( for other information about Skeet’s Pantry.
Alguien de Skeet’s Pantry lo llamara y elaborara un plan para darle mas alimentos – ya sea entregandoselos a alguien que pueda recogerlos en la iglesia por usted, o posiblemente entregandoselos a uno de nuestros voluntarios si vive cerca de la iglesia.
Tambien, mira el sitio web de nuestra iglesia ( para obtener mas informacion sobre Skeet’s Pantry.
Wanytta "Skeet" Trowbridge, possibly nicknamed for being no bigger than a mosquito, founded Skeet's Pantry in the 1980's. In World War II, she had felt the effects of hunger during her time on a troop train which was transporting soldiers and their families from post to post without food or water. Later, after settling in Cranbury, she realized the prevalence of food insecurity in our local community. She started helping people independently out of her own pocket, but wanted to do more. At the time, our church Deacons already distributed Thanksgiving Food Baskets, so she expanded that program to a Friday Bread Program where day old bread, bagels and cakes were purchased or donated by local markets and then distributed on Fridays by Skeet and other church volunteers. Eventually, this effort expanded from a rack of canned food to a whole room across from Fellowship Hall to hold all the food donations. Skeet and volunteers delivered food to those in need, while maintaining a reserve supply for anyone who came for help to the church office or Skeet's home. This passion and love for helping those in need remained with Skeet all her life, and is kept alive by all the volunteers who continue to make Skeet's Pantry an ongoing mission of our church, serving over 80 families each month and still growing!