Senior Programs
Senior Exercise
Our senior exercise classes which meet Monday and Thursday from September through mid June, 10am - 11:00 on Zoom. The program begins with a limbering warm up followed by low impact aerobics. We then concentrate on strengthening exercises using hand weights, resistance tubing and small balls. Each session also incorporates balance training and we finish with stretches for whole body. Classes are led by nationally certified instructors. Please contact the church office at for more information.
Although not required, laughter is encouraged.
Senior Fellowship
Senior Fellowship is a club open to all seniors in the area. We provide opportunities for seniors with social, recreational and educational experiences. Senior Fellowship meets during the day and the time varies depending on the activity.
We have a wonderful group and would like to have you join us and get to know other people in the community. There are no dues or charges for activities. We have one or two programs a month (except in July and August). Programs are usually held in Fellowship Hall, but include day trips too.
Our activities include speakers, movies, picnics, trips to gardens, concerts, museums, and various holiday parties. If you have any questions about our programs, please contact the church office at