Family Ministries:
Christian Ed for All Ages
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them;
for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”
Matthew 19:14
Welcome to our Family Ministry!
Faith formation happens within families, so our approach to Christian Education includes the whole family, infants through seniors. We hope to walk alongside you, no matter where you are on the journey of faith and life. We invite everyone to be part of any or all of our programs described below.
CLICK HERE to Register for any or all of our Family Ministry Programs.
Sunday School
We have Sunday School for all ages from 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. weekly from September 15, 2024 to June 8, 2025. The Grace Class with Daune Arsnow for preschool to first graders uses Growing in Grace and Gratitude curriculum and includes Cherub Choir directed by Samantha Andrews and Meg McMaster. Younger children are most welcome to join the Grace Class weekly with a parent/caregiver. The Hope Class with Patrick Lovaglio is designed for second through fifth graders and includes bell ringing. The Word Class with Michael Lovaglio is for Middle and High School Students. The Word Class is studying the Gospel of Matthew. Youth are also invited to join our Confirmation Class when it is held. Please contact our Director of Youth Ministry, Mr. Michael Lovaglio, at (631) 747-1409 or at for more information about Confirmation.
Vacation Bible School
We can't wait to welcome your child to VBS! The theme this summer is Compassion Camp: Changing the World with Loving Kindness. To register Click Here.
Youth Group
Middle and High school age youth meet weekly for mission, learning and fellowship opportunities including:
- Bagging and distribution of groceries for our church’s food pantry;
- Maintaining a school supply closet and a Christmas toy closet for families in need;
- Summer mission trips;
- Fundraising for school supplies, Christmas toys, and mission trips;
- Gathering for multi-church youth group events;
- Hosting movie nights with refreshments;
- Assistance with the college application process; and
- Help with community projects underwritten by the Helene Cody Foundation.
Jr. Youth Group
Join us for Jr. Youth Group each month for faith, fun and fellowship! Jr. Youth Group is designed for 2nd to 5th graders. And our kindergarten to first grade friends are most welcome to join us with their family. All events are free of charge.
God and Me Playgroup
God and Me playgroup is a weekly program for infants and young children and their caregivers. This group shares fellowship via group texts as we support one another in the often-isolating season of parenting young children. We gather for coffee & munchkin park playdates each week, and parent-child yoga classes twice a month, and show up for one another however and whenever we can.
Children and Youth Participation in Worship
We welcome children and youth to be active participants in our weekly worship service. Children and Youth have the opportunity to serve as lay readers, ushers and acolytes, and members of choirs, chorales and ensembles! There is an interactive Children’s Message during the worship service. There are worship bags for families to use during worship. Childcare is also available in the nursery during the worship service. Our Worship Service is also available virtually on our Facebook page.
Youth Chorale and Youth Jazz Ensemble
Click Here to register your child for youth jazz ensemble and youth chorale!
Adult Ed
Join us each Friday for Adult Bible study with Pastor Hannah. Those who wish may stay for a light lunch. Our grief support group meets regularly. Contact Pastor Hannah at (609) 395-0897 for more information. Our Men's Bible study led by Michael Lovaglio meets monthly.
Child Youth and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy
The First Presbyterian Church of Cranbury Child Youth and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy was approved by Session to establish a proactive policy to maintain a safe environment for children, youth, and adults at activities sponsored by the First Presbyterian Church of Cranbury.