Annual Giving

Greetings, grace, and peace!
The church gathers in joy and thanksgiving, to lift our voices up to God in humble recognition of God’s many marvels. At the First Presbyterian Church of Cranbury we celebrate the grace of God in all seasons, and especially so in this season – a season of thanksgiving, together for joy.
Together for Joy means coming together to strengthen our relationship with Jesus, as individuals and as a faith community. Jesus spent a lot of time talking about money and possessions (Jesus spoke more about money and possessions than any other topic except the Kingdom of God!). Strengthening our relationship with Christ means keeping the creativity and faithfulness of our church alive and thriving in the year to come. Our giving makes Worship, Skeet’s Pantry, Adult Bible Studies and Vacation Bible School, the Refugee Welcome Ministry, a new Clean Water Ministry (to name a few) possible; this is how the church loves and serves both God and neighbor.
Our stewardship goal is clear: to strengthen our ministry and outreach with a solid financial base laid by the congregation. This year 82 families pledged $302,000, a number we expect to exceed by the year’s end. As our ministry grows, so too must our budget. In 2025 we hope to grow to 87 pledging units with at least $325,000 pledged. We are confident and excited to reach this goal; if each of us steps up a little, Cranbury Presbyterian will take a big step forward into our next chapter.
On Sunday, October 27th, we will come together for joy: Susan and Pete Mavoides invite the congregation to their home to say thank you for the thriving congregation you have supported in the year past. Look for details of that event in upcoming church communications.
Giving Sunday is November 3rd. On that day, we will seek to meet the challenges before us by gathering our pledges, blessing them, and celebrating through worship and fellowship. Before then, we hope you will take the enclosed pledge card and place it somewhere prominent in your home. Whenever you see it, ask God to help you discern your pledge for the coming year. And as you do, consider praying this prayer:
Great One, for you the rivers clap, for you the hills sing. You know my situation better than anyone. Take my credits and debits, pluses and minuses, surpluses and lacks, and show me how to use them to join the great chorus of creation. Amen
For all that we’ve already accomplished together, and for all that we will accomplish together in the future, we thank God and thank you. See you soon – and until then, let us be together for joy!
In Faith,
Your Generosity Team
Ken Gordon Tim Kasziba Matt Curran Brian Barry